What’s this feeling ?

Shobhit Abrol (197003)

Engrossed in a feeling I got caught
It turned and tossed me like a storm
Nothing’s ever troubled me more
Nor have I ever felt so warm

The wind was never so soothing
And the sky never felt so blue
Chirping of birds was never such a melody
And the trees never had such a hue

The pace of life seems so slow now
And I can’t even differ day and night
The once troublesome chaos in the world,
Now seems so calm and right.

What is this feeling
That caught me so fast
So warm and clingy
I wonder how long it will last

What is this sensation
Fervant and strong like a flame
I just don’t get it
Cause there’s nobody to blame.

Now I am struck in this state of oblivion without any clue,
I don’t want to snap out of it
And there is nothing I can even do

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To my favourite night star

Harshita Sharma (197070)

You know how enchanted I am to have glimpse of your spark;
And you call me stupid with your immemorable smirk;
Remember how I used to share all my secrets with you under the blanket of this sky;
And our relationship becomes more mysterious with my every, ‘why’;
You always used to make me realise that this morning sun will snatch you away;
But I still pleaded you to stay;
You always used to tell me there are infinite number of stars who sparkle couldn’t get described through my guitar;
Although asking for your presence is a sin for this world
And I know at the end I have nothing but your essence
And then I finally realised that all I have to do is to loose;
But I’m scared that the prettiest one is always gonna be you…


poetry by : Vansika Pareek, B.Tech (First Year).

Springs made their way;

From neck to pubis.

Shredded back and ensanguined soil.

Stripped off , I stand.

Silent, I stand.

Let splashes speak.

I flew with Chronos.


Plantations are quiet.


Abolishes of words.

For the eyes did say;

Know the difference.


Even if brand tags are missing;

Though not in emporiums,

Clothes are sold, maybe in a kiosk.


In other life,

I will choose on colours.

MY Quotes

-Rohit Sharma

“True love is like a flowing river. It doesn’t matter how many  hurdles come in its path, the river finds it destination. “

“Sometimes life becomes so monotonous that you are forced to seek out tiny jiff of happiness to maintain an equilibrium between your brain and heart.”

“Your net worth is measured by happiness that you filled in others’ life and the smile that you brought to their faces, if you couldn’t fill happiness in someone’s life then your net worth is zero.”

“A pulchritudinous person without a beautiful heart is like “BRASS”, it has an ostentatious luster like “GOLD” but has mediocre value .”

“Some people are quite magnanimous like trees, no matter how much you exploit them they always shower their blessings on you; ironically they are known as maniac nowadays.”

“Beauty may be mesmerizing ,but ethics always enamor you.”